AWS for LemonEdge Intro

Our .Net desktop application can be installed in AWS. This thin-client model communicates to a web service that handles onward interaction with the database and any task results.

Our AWS installation includes:

  • ECS Cluster – Dockerized .Net6 Web Service that handles any client communication.
  • ECS Cluster – Dockerized .Net6 Task Service that handles any long-running server tasks (thereby freeing compute in the client facing web service)
  • Simple Queue Service – messaging system to queue/receive tasks and topic to synchronise any system cache between the two Services.
  • S3 Storage – allowing for system generated files to be stored and shared between components.
  • RDS - SQL database – the golden source of all LemonEdge information.


Recommended Minimum Architecture

Related: LemonEdge Physical Architecture & LemonEdge Logical Architecture

Web Service and Task Service Requirements

Core: 2 vCPU


Storage: 20 GB

We do our best to provide an accurate baseline and/or recommended system specification for running LemonEdge. What are considered acceptable performance levels are subjective. The performance of the application greatly depends on factors such as data volume, concurrent users, and other environment variables.

SQL Service Requirements

SQL Server 2019

Core: 2 vCPU


Storage: 1TB SSD

See our estimate (via AWS's Pricing Calculator) to run the above here.

Ready to Install? See: AWS for LemonEdge Install Guide



Load balancer configuration

Increase the Idle Timeout to match your client-configured HTTP timeout. See AWS documentation for more detail. Recommendation: 300 seconds

Enable sticky sessions for the web service application load balancer. See AWS documentation for more detail.


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