10-15 min set-up time
An AddIn Module is a collection of one, or more dll libraries to provide functionality on top of the LemonEdge platform. This installation will provide asset management functionality.
1. Downloaded LemonEdge Desktop Application
2. Be connected to a web service or have an access key environment variable set
3. Have PowerShell installed on your device and have administrator rights.
1. Open Powershell on your device as an administrator:
Your command line should begin with PS C:\Windows\system32> or similar as shown below:
2. At the command line, run the following prompt:
3. If you edit the system variables from the control panel, you should see your new system variable and the set value.
4. Navigate to the API tab of your LemonEdge desktop application and select 'AddIn Modules'.
5. Create a new module with the title 'Asset Management NuGet' as shown below.
6. Once you have created this module, navigate to the right side of the page to create a new AddIn as shown below.
7. Create 3 AddIns with the following titles in the shown order (must be written as shown - copy and paste for convenience):
8. Select the correct options for the AddIn Modules. Make sure to tick 'Active' for all three AddIns, 'Is Core' for the first two AddIns and 'Is Core UI' for the last AddIn.
9. Once all the steps above have been completed - make sure to click save in the API tab to save your changes.
10. Once you've saved your changes, you will need to refresh your service so your changes will be updated in the user interface. Click the 'Refresh All Services' in the Open Architecture tab.
You should now be all set. Relaunch LemonEdge and you should now have a Home Tab and access to all of LemonEdge's asset management functionality.
If you have any issues with the steps above or any questions please feel free to reach out to the team at support.lemonedge.com
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