10-15 min set-up time
Once you have downloaded the LemonEdge platform, you can download Add-Ins. These Add-Ins contain functionality specific to various industries. Both Asset Management (Accounting) and Insurance, for example, will have their own Add-Ins. This guide specifically, pertains to the install of the Asset Management Add-In, but the download process will be the same regardless of which Add-In you require.
If you are asked to "download and update the dll's", this is the process you should run through.
- Download the platform
- Obtain your Shared Keys file (provided by LemonEdge)
- Must be able to log into an instance of LemonEdge
- Open your web browser and go to: https://www.lemonedge.com/marketplace
- Open your Shared Keys file, and locate the Marketplace Add-ins section. Within that, the key for the specific add-in you plan to install (most cases - Asset Management)
- Copy/paste your key here, ensuring the correct value is selected in the dropdown:
- Click "Download Add-In"
- In the resulting window, click "Install"
- Open the resulting download once finished
- Copy the three .dll files and save them in your LemonEdge folder (note: not the same folder as the application itself, but a layer above)
- Next, open LemonEdge and log in
- Navigate to API>>AddIn Modules
- The 3 files we copied from Step 7 correspond with the three values in the Asset Management "Add Ins" grid
- We need to ensure each record is updated with the corresponding dll. To do so:
- Select the row you plan to update (one at a time)
- Click the "Change Add In Dll" button (highlighted below)
- This will open a new File Explorer window. Select the corresponding file and click Open:
- Core = LemonEdge.Modules.AssetManagement.dll
- Waterfall = LemonEdge.Modules.AssetManagement.LotWaterfall.dll
- UI = LemonEdge.Modules.AssetManagement.UI.dll
- Save
- Refresh All
- We need to ensure each record is updated with the corresponding dll. To do so:
Click Next for detailed NuGet installation instructions.
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