How To: Download & Install Add-ins

10-15 min set-up time


Once you have downloaded the LemonEdge platform, you can download Add-Ins. These Add-Ins contain functionality specific to various industries. Both Asset Management (Accounting) and Insurance, for example, will have their own Add-Ins. This guide specifically, pertains to the install of the Asset Management Add-In, but the download process will be the same regardless of which Add-In you require. 

If you are asked to "download and update the dll's", this is the process you should run through. 


  1. Download the platform
  2. Obtain your Shared Keys file (provided by LemonEdge)
  3. Must be able to log into an instance of LemonEdge


  1. Open your web browser and go to: 
  2. Open your Shared Keys file, and locate the Marketplace Add-ins section. Within that, the key for the specific add-in you plan to install (most cases - Asset Management)2022-07-18_11-35-53.png
  3. Copy/paste your key here, ensuring the correct value is selected in the dropdown:2022-07-18_11-44-47.png
  4. Click "Download Add-In"
  5. In the resulting window, click "Install"2022-07-18_11-47-50.png
  6. Open the resulting download once finished
  7. Copy the three .dll files and save them in your LemonEdge folder (note: not the same folder as the application itself, but a layer above)2022-07-18_11-50-18.png2022-07-18_11-52-07.png
  8. Next, open LemonEdge and log in
  9. Navigate to API>>AddIn Modules
  10. The 3 files we copied from Step 7 correspond with the three values in the Asset Management "Add Ins" grid
    • We need to ensure each record is updated with the corresponding dll. To do so:
      • Select the row you plan to update (one at a time)
      • Click the "Change Add In Dll" button (highlighted below)2022-07-18_12-34-59.png
      • This will open a new File Explorer window. Select the corresponding file and click Open:
        • Core =  LemonEdge.Modules.AssetManagement.dll
        • Waterfall = LemonEdge.Modules.AssetManagement.LotWaterfall.dll
        • UI = LemonEdge.Modules.AssetManagement.UI.dll
      • Save
      • Refresh All


Click Next for detailed NuGet installation instructions.


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