Custom Objects: Worked Examples

To try and give some more context to the custom tables, here are some worked examples to look at. If there is something else that you have a use case for, please speak to a member of the Implementation team and we can update this document

Worked Example 1

This worked example will leave the user with a custom object that is created on a view, with a hyperlink that will open more detailed information on a grid


A. First Custom Entity

In our example, there are four columns of data that will be created for our grid. You can obviously set as many as you would like. If you have ticked the ‘Load Dynamically’ then you will then have to wait for the object to be created in the database. This typically takes around 5 minutes to create.


B. Populating the Table

For this example to work, you then need to create information to populate the table. You can do this manually, but the more efficient method is via an upload. Once your table has finished being created from the previous step, you can download the template as you would normally:


You will then find a new template in the list of available templates to download.

C. Second Custom Entity

The second custom entity works in creating two separate links. One to the table that you have created in Step A, the second the object that you are going to want to see the information on (Fund, Security, Lot etc). This step allows you to have


D. Custom Grid

In this step, we are creating the grid of information that is displayed when clicking the hyperlink. This is done via a custom grid entry:


E. Custom View

The view setup


Then edit the Layout using Layout designer, as normal.

Worked Example 2

This worked example will have a final output of the following:


A. Custom List

The fund type above is a drop down, which is created under Custom Lists. Set up with two options, but can be created with as many options as you like:


B. Adding Custom List in Custom Entities

To add your custom list to an object, you need to set the Column Type as Small Int, and then find the list name in the Enum Property Type



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