Create Custom Objects (Populating Your Custom Object)

Once you have set up your custom object, you are going to want to start creating columns within it.

Creating a Column

You can create a column by clicking the 'new' line via the top menu, or via the burger menu:


Upon clicking that a blank line will be created ready for you to enter. Explaining the columns that you should be considering during your setup:

  • User Friendly Name - this is the name that you want the column to use within Datasets etc, so can contain spaces etc
  • Column Name - this column will auto populate with what was specified in the column mentioned above, spaces removed
  • Column Type - The column type starts to dictate the behaviour that the column will take on (explained further below)
  • Enum Property Type - used with Custom Lists for Dropdowns
  • Is Part of Key - This indicates if the property forms part of the key for unique records in the table
  • Is Nullable - This is whether the column can be saved with a blank entry. (A quick example of this would be contact details, but you don't have all information for a 'complete' record)
  • Is Label - This is an where the label for the record is held, an is what the UI will show if you were to link it
  • Is Date - if the column is a 'date' type
  • Auto Inc Start - the starting number for the next record. Will increase by one each time a record is created. (Obvious use case in the standard system is Transaction Number)
  • Column Max Length - this is the maximum number of characters that can be used for NVarChar type

Column Types

There are a number of column types which can be used, but generally most use cases can fall under one of the following:

Column Type Used For
Bit A checkbox
SmallInt Use of dropdowns, or a number that is between -32,768 and 32,768
BigInt Number that is between -2^63 and 2^63 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
NVarChar String of characters (in Unicode format)
UniqueIdentifier Linking to another system table ID (Note: your custom table will have an autocreated column to capture the ID of the entries in your new table)
DateTimeOffset Universal date/ time that works across time-zones

If there is another column you are considering using speak to a member of the Implementation team to determine your use-case.

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